Hello, and welcome to Studio NDR, the slice of the internet devoted to the queer and trans comics of Dylan “NDR” Edwards. The Scoop has the dirt on my newest comics and other artistic happenings.
For my all-ages monster art, please visit the Feeping Creatures website.
Buy Some Comics

QAT Person #4 consists of several standalone, single-page, full-color autobio (well, mostly autobio) comics on queer, asexual, and transgender topics. Rated PG for a couple of bad words. From silly jokes to explainer comics to political commentary, each comic in this collection explores a facet of what it means to be queer, asexual, and/or trans.
These comics were originally published in OUT FRONT Magazine.
16 pages, full color, 5.5″ x 8.5″
$5.00 each, plus shipping.

A longtime veteran of metal shows in America, I encountered a number of surprising differences between a typical American metal show and this one in a suburb of Tokyo. Can you figure out how to buy the ticket from the copy machine at the 7-11? Are you inadvertently claiming you mandatory beverage at the wrong time? How do you know which gesture to make when you’re rocking out? You can find out the answers to each of these questions in Gig in Japan!
This story was originally published in The Comics Journal online.
8 pages, full color, 5.5″ x 8.5″
$3.00 each, plus shipping.
The Buy Stuff page has the rundown on all my solo comics that are available for sale, in both print and digital editions. There’s also a list of recent anthologies I’ve been published in. SO MANY QUEER COMICS
Read Some Comics
Valley of the Silk Sky
STATUS: active
AGES: 13+
Queer sci-fi/fantasy adventure webcomic featuring monotreme bee people. Oh, and some humans, too, I guess.
Autobio Comics
STATUS: active
These are some of the autobiographical comics I’ve created for various anthologies, and websites such as The Nib, Splinter News, and PEN America. These comics typically focus on queer, asexual, and transgender themes.
Politically InQueerect
STATUS: complete
AGES: 13+
Put gay conservatives, goth lipstick lesbians, genderqueers, and bisexual musicians into blender. Mix at low speed until thoroughly entangled. Salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with satire.
STATUS: complete
AGES: 16+
True stories of queer-identified trans masculine people, rendered into comics.
Taxonomically Unbound
STATUS: active
AGES: all
The best of puns, the worst of puns, illustrated.
The Outfield
STATUS: complete
AGES: 13+
Want comics that queer the heck outta sports? Congrats! This is the book for you. Originally published on OutSports.com from 2002-2009.
Editorial Cartoons
STATUS: complete
AGES: 13+
The weekly editorial cartoons I did for the Texas Triangle and TXT Newsmagazine from 2004-2005.
Finding and Supporting Your Friendly Queer Comics Creator
Like my work? Here’s how you can help me keep doing what I do.
Conventions, art shows, panels, readings: this is where you can find me (Dylan!) or my art in person.

About the Artist
Who is this “Dylan Edwards” “person”? Enh? Perhaps this bio will reveal the answers you seek.
In case you need to drop me a line.
This page tells you where else to find me on these here internets, ways you can give me money, and recommendations of other queer & trans creators to follow.