Ordinarily I’d have posted this page on Thursday, but I will be thoroughly ensconced in San Diego Comic Con at that point, so instead enjoy this Tuesday night update.
“Can you not schedule posts?”
Er, I mean, probably? But I’m not sure how on this particular setup? So EARLY UPDATE IT IS:
I DO know how to schedule posts on Patreon and Tumblr, so those will post on Thursday as per usual.
Anyhow, here’s a reminder of where I shall be at SDCC:
The San Diego Comic Book Concern and Entertainment Emporium (July 18-22, 2018)
Small Press L-05 is where I’ll be camped out in general throughout the week. Come buy some comics!
I am also on two panels:
Transformation Magic: Transgender Life in Comics from Street Level to the Stratosphere – Thursday, July 19, 6:00 PM – Room 28DE
Also, I believe Tara will be there with Stacked Deck Press and fresh, new copies of We’re Still Here, the all-trans anthology I’m in, so come to the panel on Thursday to find out more.
Secret Loves of Geeks – Sunday, July 22, 11:00 AM – Room 32AB
I’ll also be doing a signing at the Dark Horse Comics booth, along with several other creators featured in the Secret Loves of Geeks anthology, just after the Secret Loves of Geeks panel, from 12:30 – 1:15 on Sunday, July 22. This would be a great time to snag some sigs on your copy of the book!
Ha ha, I’m already tired just thinking about it.
See you there!