In this week’s remastered Politically InQueerect, Todd and Archer argue about a spatula. No, wait! Come back! I promise, it’s funny.
It is actually kinda funny, for me at any rate, to figure out what kind of decorating sense these guys have. The house is not particularly done to Archer’s taste, since he’d prefer to live in a sterile white box if he could. But Todd winds up taking control of the interior design because he’s the one actually willing to put forth the money and effort for it. Hence colorful walls and antique furniture. I think they may have compromised on more earthy tones rather than bright, screaming colors.
I’ve also added last week’s new strip, starring new characters Yuki and Sunita, to the PiQue archives here on You’ll find it in PiQue Pieces, the repository for one-pagers and other short pieces that aren’t part of a specific storyline.
I am definitely getting to a point now where I need to resurrect the obligatory Cast o’ Characters page. Probably won’t be done before SPX, but it’s definitely high on the priority list for this fall.