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Old Ghosts page 18’s foul odor betrays its presence

Old Ghosts page 18’s foul odor betrays its presence published on No Comments on Old Ghosts page 18’s foul odor betrays its presence

Politically InQueerect Old Ghosts Archer

Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts page 18 is up! And a little early, too, as I have jury duty and won’t be able to post at my usual time. Read it here on Tapastic (scheduled post, so it’ll go up at the usual time), or here on Studio NDR.

I’m sure you all remember Gran’s colorful description of the contents of the haunted wardrobe from page 13, yes? Archer (or, at least, his subconscious) clearly does.

Art notes: In my own dreams, places are often visually completely different from what they look like in real life, even though in the dream I never question this discrepancy. I couldn’t really do that here without having the location change just confuse the heck out of people (and who knows, maybe other people dream places that look just like they do in real life).

Instead, I cranked up the color saturation and made the lighting off kilter, and changed some details of the room’s layout and accoutrements. So you the reader can tell it’s supposed to be the same room, but something about it is … awry.



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