LAST PAGE of Old Ghosts is up! Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.
Wanna read the whole thing in one go? Start back at the beginning.
The sordid history of this comic: I wrote the first draft of Old Ghosts in 2002, then put it away for awhile to work on other things. In 2006 I revised to script, did a first pass at thumbnailing the story, and started drawing the actual pages. I got as far as drawing and inking pages 1-12, and then dropped everything to work on my book Transposes ( I redid the thumbnails and posted them on my website so people who had been following the story wouldn’t be left hanging.
Various other comics projects came and went. In 2013 I decided, dammit, I am going to finish this damned story, dag dangit. So I picked up penciling on page 13, blasted through the rest of the pages, revising somewhat from the previously-posted thumbnails, and colored everything in between penciling and inking.
And now the whole thing is finished and you can read all of it, and it only took me 12 years to produce this 36-page story. To be fair, I did do over 300 pages of other comics in that time, but yeah. Sometimes a story just takes awhile to get did.
Anyway, thanks for reading.