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Ongoing technical difficulties

Ongoing technical difficulties published on

EDIT: I may have found the solution to comics pages not displaying? Still need to do a more thorough check, but so far I have seen An Improvement. Fingers crossed!

Yesterday I found out my site had been hacked, and my web host had yanked the whole thing offline as a cautionary procedure. I seem to have restored some, but not all, of the functionality. Like, I’m getting “not found” errors when I try to view comic pages, even though they’re showing up in the admin dashboard.

SOOooooOOO … [sighs heavily]

I don’t know. I’m trying to fix this with my very, VERY marginal amount of web admin knowledge. I’m not sure how long it’s going to take to fully repair.

Until things are functional again, you can always see new comics from me on my Patreon and my Tumblr.

And, of course, Valley of the Silk Sky continues to have its own website.

Anyway, back to trying to fix my broken-ass website.

Sighs again,


FlameCon approaches; We’re Still Here is out; New Taxonomically Unbound in the works

FlameCon approaches; We’re Still Here is out; New Taxonomically Unbound in the works published on

FlameCon is next weekend, August 18-19! You can find me at table M86A throughout the weekend, selling my comics and art.

I also have a panel on Saturday, August 18, from 7:00pm – 7:45pm:

Memoir Comics: Picturing a Queer Self

I expect my piece for We’re Still Here will come up on the discussion. Speaking of which, the book is now available! Either at that link I just linked, or in person at the show.

As far as new comics are concerned, I have a new Valley of the Silk Sky short story in the works for an upcoming anthology. That means it’s going to be awhile before I’ll be running the ol’ VotSS webcomic, so in the meantime, I’ll be publishing a bunch of new Taxonomically UnBound comics I’ve been crafting.

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ve probably seen my occasional pun tweets. TaxoUnbo is me taking those tweets and illustrating them with sometimes relevant (and sometimes not) doodle art.

My plan is to start running the new comics in September, so stay tuned.



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