Woo hoo! Got the editorial green light to start penciling my story for Beyond. Queer sci-fi/fantasy comics are IMMINENT. Not sure how many pages I’ll have managed to draw before TCAF, but either way, if you’re going to be there, feel free to stop by the Northwest Press table and ask to see what there is to see. I’ll also be at the queer mixer.
You may be wondering what effect, if any, this will have on the weekly updates for PiQue: Old Ghosts. The answer is hopefully none, though I can’t actually promise there won’t be a brief hiatus at some point. HOWEVER. I currently have seven pages in the buffer, so I’ve got a bit of a pad. At the moment things are looking good for an uninterrupted run. Travel can play hell with schedules, though, so. Ya know. But. Still. Anyway.
Soon enough I hope to be posting teaser pix from VoS pencils, so STAY CHOONED.