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New comic up on The Nib

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Queer Asexual Trans comics

Sorry I’ve been so quiet lately. I’ve been working on a ton of freelance, but you can now peep some of the stuff that’s been keeping me busy!

First off, check out this new comic I did for The Nib. Seven whole pages of autobio comic shenanigans about being queer, asexual, and trans.

If you liked my QAT Person minicomic, you will definitely want to point your eyeballs at this new one. (And if you haven’t yet snagged a copy of my QAT Person minicomic, well heck, whaddaya waitin’ for. Get it here.)

I’ve also been working on a series of illustrations for Out2Enroll, a non-profit that helps LGBTQIA+ folks in California find health insurance and raises awareness of patient rights. The first two illos are up here and here, and there will be five more to come.

So yeah, been busy! But pretty soon now I’ll be starting pencils on the next chapter of Valley of the Silk Sky, so stay chooned.



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