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Website redesign is basically done, I think?

Website redesign is basically done, I think? published on

Dylan is tired

I mean, there are more minor tweaks here and there, and I’m sure I’ll find some typos or whatever, but the bulk of the work is done.

I took down about 300 pages of comics and art, leaving a mere … 250 pages of comics and art for you to peruse. The guiding principle for what got cut and what stayed was framing this site as more of a portfolio and less of an archaeological dig through every single comic I’ve ever bothered to create. So the focus now is on more recent work.

That does mean I took down the anti-Valentine’s Day cards. They were at one time the most popular thing on this site, but they don’t really fit in with anything else I do (so they weren’t driving traffic to the rest of my work), and I haven’t felt motivated to make any new ones in several years. So eh. On to new things!

I also removed all the comment boxes. In the five years I had comments enabled here, I think I got a grand total of sixteen non-spam comments. Obviously this was not a feature people were all that interested in using! I’ve found people are more likely to communicate via Twitter or Tumblr than a comment box. Other cute but non-essential widgets got pulled, like tag clouds, cuz mostly it was adding clutter more than anything else.

Because the redesign involved a major under-the-hood rebuild, I ended up deleting basically all the old pages and started from scratch. That means any permalinks you might have set up will probably no longer work, so I guess check yer bookmarks.

There are some big improvements: the new structure is responsive, so you should now be able to view the site on tablets and phones and have it adapt to your device.

I also learned a new way to save graphics that cuts the file size dramatically without sacrificing quality. A great many comics on here are now bigger and clearer while also chopping about 1.5MB off the file size. That should mean faster load times (and less data usage for folks on mobile devices).

I finally added a new section for my autobio comics. Most of these weren’t on the site before (or were difficult to find), so take a spin around and see what there is to see!



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