A couple more media mentions of Transposes have come in:
Lambda Literary has a review of the book up now in their comics section, from Cathy Camper – “A major step to breaking down closet doors is to provide venues for trans* people to see themselves. Edward’s graphic novel does just that …. Edwards’ black and white comics are open and inviting, making it easy for readers to get a quick overview of many different queer FTM lives. This accessibility also makes Transposes a good resource for gender workshops or other situations where it’s helpful to easily compare different people’s life stories.”
Sequential Tart features Transposes in an article about broader trans* representation in comics, by Katie Frank – “Transposes uses different presentations for each story — a staged speech, flashbacks, a museum exhibit — to take the reader through important moments in the interviewees’ lives. This technique makes the stories both personal and relatable, and also highlights, in a lighthearted way, the weirdness of the exercise of interrogating people about the intimate details of their lives.”
Meanwhile, I’m still working away on my TransTransformers comic for QU33R. I’m thinkin’ maybe I post a preview page on Thursday, so check back in a mere couple of days!