I’ll get the shilling out of the way first; you see, I’ve set up a Zazzle store (with my feep hat, natch), and I have placed within a couple of my anti-valentine’s day cards. This means you can, like, give me money for them if you want. I’m only a few years late in getting around to doing this, so hopefully someone out there still wants to buy these things from me. Anyway, click on this button to go straight to the cards:
Next up, the reason you’re probably actually here, which is a peek at a sample page from my Transformers story for Robert Kirby’s QU33R anthology. The actual title of the story is just “The Transformers,” because it works on like three different levels, but you can call it “TransTransformers” to differentiate it from the more famous users of that word. And so:
![TransTransformers page 1](http://www.studiondr.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Transformers_pencils_01.jpg)
Next week I’ll be bringing you some more new art, to wit: the character designs I created so we can see what Prowl, Jazz, and Bluestreak look like as girls. Until then!