Hmm, what have we here? A destination of sorts? Clap your eyes upon the latest Valley of the Silk Sky page at one of these fine locations:
So! What else. I’ve done the first draft on the thumbnails for chapter 4. I’m letting it sit for a bit so I can go back to it with fresh eyes before moving on to pencils.
In the meanwhiles, I’ll be working on a short piece for an upcoming anthology, about which more later. (I’m only being coy about it because I don’t know what info has been officially released, so I guess I’ll start talking about it more when I know more. But I’ll tell you this: it’s all about … QUEER COMICS.)
Oh, and also! I don’t have the official date/time yet, but I’ll be doing a panel at SDCC2015 on Writing Trans Characters. So if you have plans to be at Comic Con International this year, keep an eyeball out for that. I’ll post the date/time once I get the final schedule.