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Interview with The Comics Journal, Valley of the Silk Sky stuffs, and other whisperings

Interview with The Comics Journal, Valley of the Silk Sky stuffs, and other whisperings published on
Valley of the Silk Sky: Medicine Run

I know I haven’t updated on here recently, but it’s not for lack of working on things!

First up, you can now read an interview/discussion about queer and trans spec fic with myself, Melanie Gillman, and Blue Delliquanti, published by The Comics Journal. If you want a nerdy deep-dive on LGBTQIA SFF YA (how’s that for some acronyms), click on through!

I’ve also been posting short story comics to the Valley of the Silk Sky website. You can now read “Medicine; Run” in its entirety, as well as a one-pager I did for an anthology a few years ago.

Why am I not posting these comics here as well, you ask? The simple answer is I’m already pretty overwhelmed, and trying to build and maintain infrastructure on multiple websites is more than I have bandwidth for right now. Besides, the whole point of having a separate VotSS website was to allow for more VotSS-related content, instead of having Studio NDR become even more unwieldy than it already is.

That said, I am working on a couple of new projects I’ll be talking about more here in the weeks and months to come. They are not yet at the Ready to Be Announced stage, but know that I’m keeping busy behind the scenes.

Until then!


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