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New PiQue, Lambda Literary Comic Book Fun, and this “Twitter” thing

New PiQue, Lambda Literary Comic Book Fun, and this “Twitter” thing published on No Comments on New PiQue, Lambda Literary Comic Book Fun, and this “Twitter” thing

politically inqueerect Archer

New episode of Politically InQueerect is up on Tapastic, in which Archer cannot unsee what he has seen, cannot unsmell what he has smelled.

Only two more pages to go, and then the story shall be complete! At which point, I expect I’ll revert to single pagers and more laff-oriented stuff for a bit. I’m liking this colorization, though. I really think it’s working out well for this story. I don’t think I’ll wind up colorizing absolutely every single PiQue strip, but there are many more yet that could stand to benefit from a broadening of the hues.

Lambda Literary

Since you presumably like queer comics (you do, right?), you might well be interested in this article over at Lambda Literary, in which a whole bunch of queer cartoonists (myself included!) talk about some of their favorite comics. It’s always fun to watch creators geek out, so get over there and read it, will ya.

Finally, it might interest you to learn that, at long last, I’ve figured out how I want to use Twitter, several months after creating an account and several years after basically everyone else on the planet. By which I mean, I’m actually posting there now. Follow me if you dare: @DylanNDREdwards



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