I was recently interviewed on Houston radio station KPFT’s Queer Voices program. We chatted about comics in general and Transposes in particular. It’s up on their website (the December 17 show) for the next couple of weeks; after that, I guess I have to figure out how to host it on here somehow. Anyway, you’ll find me right around the 53:28 mark.
Posts tagged The Scoop
Just had to share this lovely drawing of the Deadwards
An appeal for reviews, a sneak peek, and a sadface moment

Have you read and enjoyed Transposes? Please consider taking a moment to write a review on Goodreads, Amazon, or iTunes (or anywhere else, really!). It doesn’t have to be long or involved. “Loved it!” or “Awesome” is fine. Though longer is fine, too. :) But every little bit helps, and since most of the promotion of this book is going to be word-of-mouth, it’s all gonna be little bits coalescing. Here are some links for ya:
Meanwhile, as you can see over there on the right, I am currently working away on a new Politically InQueerect strip for Rocksalt Magazine. I’ll post the finished comic here once it has seen publication, but know that it is on the way! My goal for 2013 is to get back to PIQue. I would like to finish issue #3, which was put on hold while I worked on Transposes. I have some new scripts kicking around that I’d like to draw up. And, once I get enough stuff together, I want to put together a volume of collected Politically InQueerect material. It’s only ever seen the light of day online and in photocopied minicomics, so it’s high time PIQue got the proper book treatment. So, with any luck, I will get rolling on regular PIQue updates for 2013, just like a proper webcomic. More deets to come as things solidify.
Finally, the sad news. Domy Books (or their Austin location, at least) is bringing their consignment program to an end, so that means they won’t be able to stock Transposes anymore. It’ll be there up through about Dec. 23-ish, so if you’re in Austin and want to buy a copy from a local retailer, hie thee hence in the next couple of weeks.
Bent-Con starts tomorrow! Goodreads giveaway ends Sunday!

Yes indeed, it is Bent-Con time. The show starts tomorrow, Nov. 30, and runs through Dec. 2. It’s all queer comics and media, all the time. How can you resist? If you’re in southern California this weekend, please drop by.
I’ll be hanging out at the Northwest Press booth to sign copies of Transposes, and I’ll have my original pages with me just in case you were interested in purchasing such a thing (ahem-hem). I also have a few pieces for sale in the Bent-Con art show, including my Bentling illustration here (of course I did the skull Bentling … how could I not?).
So yes. This weekend. Burbank, CA (a stone’s throw from Los Angeles). Queer comics and media. Check the Bent-Con website for further deets. Hope to see you there!
Also, don’t forget to sign up for the Transposes giveaway on Goodreads, if you haven’t already. It closes at midnight on Sunday night, so don’t miss out, yeah?
Bent-Con is nigh!
The weekend of November 30 – December 2, 2012 you will find me in Burbank, CA at Bent-Con! This is a convention dedicated entirely to queer comics and media. How can you resist?
In addition to appearing at the Northwest Press booth to promote Transposes, I’ll also have several pieces for sale in the art show, and I have at least one panel appearance (deets to come later). If you’re going to be in southern California, you really should check it out!
Linky goodness: Goodreads and Domy Austin
A couple of handy links for your edification. First of all, there’s an official Goodreads page for Transposes. Put it on yer shelf, review it, share it with friends and strangers.
Next up, you can now purchase Transposes at Domy Books in Austin. Go support small, indie bookstores that enthusiastically support small, local authors!
Squidoo Artist Feature interview
I was just interviewed for an Artist Feature on Squidoo. I talk about my work in general, and about Transposes in particular. Click on through to read all about it!
This is also a pretty good article to share with people who aren’t familiar with what I do, since it highlights what I consider to be some of my “greatest hits,” if you will.
Oh, look, content

Apparently that last upgrade of the webcomic plugin completely hosed my site. I don’t know how long it was hosed, but if you tried to look at basically any of the comics or art over the last few days you were outta luck. I have hacked my way back to a semi-functioning site. However, my ability to update is limited until I can figure out a better fix. SIGH. Now I understand why basically everyone I know who has a WordPress site bitches about updates breaking everything.
Anyway. At least you should actually be able to see the comics and such now.
Transposes is now available for sale online!

What’s that? You want to buy Transposes using the magic of the internet? Well, now you can. You have options, even! You can buy direct from the publisher, or you can buy from Amazon. Here, I’ll even make some handy buttons for you.
If you are so inclined, do pop over to Amazon to leave a review. Transposes will also be up on Goodreads soon, so I’ll let you know when you can post reviews there as well. I promise not to tell anyone if you copy-paste your Amazon reviews to Goodreads.
Transposes debuts at Alternative Press Expo this weekend!
Transposes is officially available, and we’ll have it for sale this weekend, October 13-14, at APE, over at the Northwest Press table. I’ll be there to sign copies, and I’ll also be on the Queer Cartoonists panel on Saturday from 2:45-3:45 PM. If you’re the convention-going type and you’re going to be at this convention, well, come on down and snag yerself a copy. Otherwise, it should be hitting stores within the next week or so.
If digital is more your thing, you can now purchase Transposes on iTunes. Heck, why not get both?