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Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 107 has secured the goods

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run page 107 has secured the goods published on
Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run queer YA sci-fi webcomic

Check out the loot:

This chapter introduces some new characters, of whomst you shall glimpse one here.  Tyv is something of a famous burglar, well-known across the Valley for deploying a dramatic flair when xe steals stuff. Hence the fan club of Bad Kids intent on making off with xer wanted poster as a souvenir.

Regarding one of the other posters in the background, imploring people to halt the spread of sweetberry bush, I just wanna say this was written pre-pandemic and is mere thematic coincidence. I’d already figured the Valley would have issues with people complying (sweetberry bush spreads because the berries are tasty, and if you’re hungry, what are you gonna do), but actually stropping the spread for real would require coordinated governmental action and can’t be left to individuals to stop. Didn’t expect that to be quite so on the nose, but here we are.

ANYWAY. The chapter continues next week!



Valley of the Silk Sky: “The Long Run” page 3 – A PROTAGONIST EMERGES

Valley of the Silk Sky: “The Long Run” page 3 – A PROTAGONIST EMERGES published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky: “The Long Run” page 3 – A PROTAGONIST EMERGES

Valley of the Silk Sky Razi

Check back next week to find out whether or not xe* got eaten already.

Where can you see this frabjuous page?

* Quick note about pronouns: I expand on this more in the VoSS FAQ, but the TL;DR version is that cultures of the Pocalo Valley don’t have a concept of gender per se, so they don’t have gendered pronouns.

Whatever your physical body may be (and they know there are more than two possible configurations), that carries no expectations regarding your social behavior or your abilities.

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