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SDCC approacheth

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Queer Comics by Dylan Edwards

San Diego Comic Con (or Comic Con International, if you prefer) is next week! Am I ready? Is anyone ready?

As per previous years, you can find me and my books at the Northwest Press section of the PRISM Comics booth #2144.

I’m also on two panels this year:

Queer Representation in All-Ages and Youth Media
Friday, July 22 at 10:00 AM in Room 4

Gays (And More) in Comics (And More)
Saturday, July 23 at 6:00 PM in Room 29AB

If you have the Comic Con app you can use those links to bookmark the panels in your schedule. I’m moderating the Queer Rep in Youth Media panel, so come to the thing to hear me ask HARD HITTING questions about LIBRARIES.

As for Other Things: I’ve been busily thumbnailing the comics project that is currently keeping me from working on Valley of the Silk Sky, so that one’s proceeding apace. Also been working on character designs for another anthology piece.

If you’re looking for stuff to read in the meantime, you can always hit up my Patreon. For the next few months I’ll be serializing my Valley of the Silk Sky story from Beyond, and including world-building commentary. A mere one dollar a month grants you admission, and your financial support allows me to continue focusing on comics.



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