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Valley of the Silk Sky page 87 awaits your eyeball machines

Valley of the Silk Sky page 87 awaits your eyeball machines published on

Valley of the Silk Sky Chadsen

Chapter 9 proceeds apace, as page 87 emerges from the fog. It may be observed here:

In convention news, I’m on a panel at TCAF, but they haven’t officially announced the schedule yet, so I’ll reveal more about that soon.

WisCon panels HAVE been officially announced, so now I can tell you when and where I’ll be (besides the vendor’s room, of course):

What: Alternatives To Patreon: Direct Support To Creators
When: Sat, 8:30–9:45 AM
Where: Capitol B

What: Fantasy Worldbuilding In Comics
When: Sat, 10:00–11:15 AM
Where: Capitol B

What: Found Media in Mixed Objects (readings by various trans folk)
When: Sat, 2:30–3:45 PM
Where: Michelangelos

What: Beyond S/He
When: Sun, 10:00–11:15 AM
Where: Capitol A

Exciting, is it not? (Actually, yes indeed, it is.)

Also, this is a propos of absolutely nothing, but I got tickets to see Janelle Monáe, and I’m unreasonably excited about it (unless that level of excitement is to be expected, which probably it is, so I’m actually very reasonably excited).



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