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Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run chapter 11 concludes! Plus more ways to support yer queer comics creator

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run chapter 11 concludes! Plus more ways to support yer queer comics creator published on

Page 105 marks the finale of chapter 11, and you can find it here:

For those of you who like to wait until a chapter is complete to dig in, you can find the whole of Chapter 11 here.

So, what’s next, you ask? I am even now working on Chapter 12: the whole thing is thumbnailed, and I’ve got the first page penciled. 

Whilst we wait for me to get the rest of it penciled, inked, colored, scanned, and lettered, I’ll be running some concept art, character design, and work-in-progress posts for $1+ Patrons. If you want in on that, hit up my Patreon.

TCAF canceled

As far as my convention schedule goes, TCAF has now officially canceled their 2020 festival. Other emails coming in indicate other shows are still weighing how they want to proceed: postponement? full cancellation?

Again, conventions account for about half my income, so this is grim news on the financial front. If you’d like to help support my work during these trying times, here are some options:


My friend Olivia Wylie put together an IndieGoGo campaign to help out Colorado creatives during these rough times. Backing the campaign gets you books, art, and other swag, so chip in if you can!

Buy some stuff

Buy some books :

My Feeping Creatures monster art is here:


You might also consider signing up for my Patreon if you have a couple bucks a month to spare. This ends up being kinda like a “paycheck” for me, and makes it easier to predict my income month-to-month.

Patreon is here:

Thanks for reading! Back to working on Chapter 12 for me.



Valley of the Silk Sky page 89 now, TCAF this weekend!

Valley of the Silk Sky page 89 now, TCAF this weekend! published on

Valley of the Silk Sky

Care for some overgrown ruins? Worry not, Valley of the Silk Sky page 89 has you covered (in weird plants):

That Patreon post has a little more info about said weird plants, so click through if you desire more knowledge (Patreon posts of VotSS pages are locked Monday-Wednesday, and become available to the general public on Thursday).

But also, TCAF is nigh!

If you’re going to be at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival this weekend (May 12-13, 2018), you should come find me at table 218 for the convention debut of the Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run Part Two print book!

I’ll also be on the Adventure Teens panel on Sunday at 2:00 PM, wherein we’ll talk about why we let our characters run around without adult supervision.

I’m excited for to return to Toronto, even if it means I have to get up ridiculously early for my flight tomorrow. See you there!



Valley of the Silk Sky page 88, and TCAF news

Valley of the Silk Sky page 88, and TCAF news published on

Valley of the Silk Sky

The eighty-eighth page of Valley of the Silk Sky is carefully avoiding giant carnivorous fish swimming through a ruined city. Observe:

Don’t forget that the book containing the entirety of Part Two (including all of chapters 6-10) will make its official convention debut at TCAF (May 12-13).

(If you can’t make it to TCAF, you can of course buy the book online.)

Speaking of TCAF, they’ve announced the programming schedule, and you can come watch me yammer about VotSS on the Adventure Teens panel on Sunday at 2:00.

Table placements are still being finalized, so I’ll have more info next week about where to find me on the floor (I can tell you right now it’s the second floor, though, since that’s what I paid for).



Valley of the Silk Sky page 87 awaits your eyeball machines

Valley of the Silk Sky page 87 awaits your eyeball machines published on

Valley of the Silk Sky Chadsen

Chapter 9 proceeds apace, as page 87 emerges from the fog. It may be observed here:

In convention news, I’m on a panel at TCAF, but they haven’t officially announced the schedule yet, so I’ll reveal more about that soon.

WisCon panels HAVE been officially announced, so now I can tell you when and where I’ll be (besides the vendor’s room, of course):

What: Alternatives To Patreon: Direct Support To Creators
When: Sat, 8:30–9:45 AM
Where: Capitol B

What: Fantasy Worldbuilding In Comics
When: Sat, 10:00–11:15 AM
Where: Capitol B

What: Found Media in Mixed Objects (readings by various trans folk)
When: Sat, 2:30–3:45 PM
Where: Michelangelos

What: Beyond S/He
When: Sun, 10:00–11:15 AM
Where: Capitol A

Exciting, is it not? (Actually, yes indeed, it is.)

Also, this is a propos of absolutely nothing, but I got tickets to see Janelle Monáe, and I’m unreasonably excited about it (unless that level of excitement is to be expected, which probably it is, so I’m actually very reasonably excited).



Valley of the Silk Sky part 2 book is here, is now

Valley of the Silk Sky part 2 book is here, is now published on

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run Part Two

Yes indeedy, the time has come. Or will be about to come, depending on what format you’re looking for. But first, about the book:

Part Two collects chapters 6-10 of the story. Right now I’ve only published up through chapter 8 online, so you get to READ AHEAD, you naughty things.

Print: 60 pages, full-color. $15.00.
Digital: 54 pages, full-color. $5.99.

[NOTE: page count difference for print and digital is due to spacer pages, content is identical.]

Where to get it in print:

Where to get it in digital:

Why is the release date for Amazon right now and the Gumroad release is delayed? Well, simply put, my copies aren’t scheduled to be delivered until the 16th, so that’s when I will have them to distribute. I decided to set the digital release for the same day to keep things kinda sorta consistent.

As far as ComiXology goes, I just yesterday got the notification that it was accepted for their Submit platform, so it’ll probably be a few weeks yet before it’s available there. But if that’s your preferred platform, know that it is indeed coming.

The first convention where the book will be available for purchase is TCAF, as part of their announced list of debut books. Neat!

Anyhow, see you next week for the commencement of Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 9, and news about DiNK, which is coming up April 14-15. Stay tuned!



Valley of the Silk Sky Part Two print book out for proof, convention news

Valley of the Silk Sky Part Two print book out for proof, convention news published on

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run Part Two

Yes indeed, I have finished up the art for chapters 9 and 10, put together a cover, assembled everything in InDesign, and lo, off to the printer it goes.

I just ordered the proof this morning, so the next step (after getting it in my hands and peering at it with my eyeballs) is to check it for errors and then either smash the “publish” button or fix whatever needs fixing and proof it again.

Based on past turnaround times, this has me on track for a TCAF debut. So if you’re gonna be in Toronto for their very fine Comic Arts Festival, you will be able to purchase said volume at that time. If you will NOT be in Toronto, fear not. The book will be available for online order, and I will of course have it at all the other conventions I’m doing this year.

Speaking of conventions, I got off the wait list for STAPLE! (yay!), so looks like I’ll be in Austin in September.

Next show coming up is DiNK here in Denver, just a scant two weeks away. While I won’t have copies of the new VotSS book in time to sell there, I should have a proof you can peruse (unless it turns out looking terrible, in which case no).

ANYHOW. TL;DR: lots of things soon!



Valley of the Silk Sky page 76 stops in; also: convention news!

Valley of the Silk Sky page 76 stops in; also: convention news! published on

Valley of the Silk Sky queer sci fi webcomic

Chapter 8 continues, and page 76 awaits your eyeballs! Read it here:

Speaking of Patreon, a couple of things:

I now have page updates set to early access, which means $1+ Patrons get exclusive access to them on Monday. On Thursday, the post goes public. (Note: This doesn’t apply to all the posts I make on Patreon, just finished comic pages. Things like work-in-progress posts will stay behind the paywall.)

That particular post has some additional details about eating habits in the Valley, so check it out if you’re curious.

Even if you don’t pledge, you can still follow creators and see their public posts. So if it’s convenient for you, feel free to follow me on there and get updates that way. The “follow” button is on the left under the total pledge widget.

As for convention news: I got into TCAF! I will have my own table this time around, up on the second floor. I’m very excited to return to Toronto and one of the best indie comics shows in all the land.

I’m working on lining up a couple of local events for February and March, and will post when I have more info.

As ever, you can keep track of all my convention appearances on the Appearances page.

Until next week,


Valley of the Silk Sky page 57

Valley of the Silk Sky page 57 published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 57

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA sci-fi comic

Here I am, dragging my con-crud riddled body out of bed to update my webcomic. Read it here:

If you’re burning to know why Chadsen refers to Bors as “Skunk,” or why the customs officer has pierced ears but no earrings, these nerdy details and others like them are a bonus feature of my Patreon updates. A mere one dollar a month grants you access!

Thank you to everyone who dropped by the table at TCAF, or who came to the Queer Sci-Fi and Fantasy panel! If you were pondering picking up a print copy of Valley of the Silk Sky Part One but didn’t do it, Glad Day Bookshop may have it in stock. Go pester ’em for it!

Otherwise, you can snag it at this here link:

Valley of the Silk Sky Part One PRINT BOOK

Next up: WisCon! Further details on that next week.



VoSS page 56, and TCAF!

VoSS page 56, and TCAF! published on No Comments on VoSS page 56, and TCAF!

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA sci-fi webcomic

Valley of the Silk Sky page 56 is up! Read it here:


Speaking of passports, I am headed to Canada this weekend for TCAF! If you’re in Toronto and you like comics, you should definitely come to this thing. Attendance is FREE. Really, you have no excuse.

I’ll be tabling with Northwest Press, of course, and I’ll also be on a panel:

Queer Science Fiction and Fantasy
Marriot Ballroom
Sunday, May 15
1:30 PM

Moderated by Melanie Gillman, with Jeremy Sorese, Taneka Stotts, Gisele Jobateh, Megan Rose Gedris, Dylan Edwards, and Andrew Wheeler!

Also, I’ll have copies of the new print book edition of Valley of the Silk Sky Part One. Grab one at the show, or if you can’t make it, buy online from my Gumroad store:

Valley of the Silk Sky PRINT BOOK

Right? Right! And now, off to do the nine million things I gotta finish before I leave.



Valley of the Silk Sky page 55, and FCBD at Mutiny

Valley of the Silk Sky page 55, and FCBD at Mutiny published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky page 55, and FCBD at Mutiny

Valley of the Silk Sky lgbtqia YA webcomic

Valley of the Silk Sky page 55 is up, and up, and up:

(If you’re afraid of heights, it is not recommended that you sit by the window.)

What else is coming up? Why, Free Comic Book Day at Mutiny Information Cafe, of course.

I will be there all afternoon selling comics and other doodads, and will have free bookmarks to give away. In the evening we’ll be doing comix readings, so stick around for EVEN MORE FREE FUN, yes? So many free funs. But also buy some comics, please. Thank you.

What else. Oh! Hey! Right.

WisCon programming has been officially announced. I am on Five (FIVE)(5) panels:

Friday, May 27
9:00 PM – 10:15 PM
“Women and Trans/Non-binary people” : The Pitfalls of Haphazard Gender Inclusion

Saturday, May 28
1:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Trans Narratives: Pitiful and/or Powerful? [moderator]

Saturday, May 28
4:00 PM – 5:15 PM
Diverse Creators, Not Just Diverse Products

Sunday, May 29
1:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Not Another Trans Panel

Sunday, May 29
4:00 PM – 5:15 PM
Asexual Lives

Lor, but that’s a lotta panels. So! Please come to all of them.

Sandwiched between those two shows is good ol’ TCAF, but I’ll post more about that next week. UNTIL THEN.



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