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OUT FRONT Magazine – November 2023 issue

OUT FRONT Magazine – November 2023 issue published on

My latest comic for OUT FRONT Magazine contains “jokes” (I use the term in the broadest possible sense) of dubious moral character, and should frankly be eschewed in favor of something wholesome. I’d avoid page 6 if I were you.



OUT FRONT Magazine – October 2023 issue – Queer Magic

OUT FRONT Magazine – October 2023 issue – Queer Magic published on
Tarot card illustration: a white man in a business suit glares menacingly and clutches handfuls of dollars. Instead of legs he has several tentacles. Behind him is a rainbow pride flag with a dollar sign on it.

Upright: A corporation will fawn over you to get your queer dollars, but as soon as it comes time to actually defend queer and trans people, they'll cave to the loudmouthed bigots.
Reversed: Your queer community will experience an abundance of mutual aid.

My comic for the October issue of OUT FRONT Magazine features queer tarot cards of my own devising! One of them is even worksafe, ha ha, heh.

Hit up the OFM website to read the full comic in their digital edition! You’ll find me on page 6.



OUT FRONT Magazine – Sept 2023 – Digital Queerness

OUT FRONT Magazine – Sept 2023 – Digital Queerness published on
Out Front Magazine - September 2023 issue - Digital Queerness

The September issue of OUT FRONT Magazine is all about digital queerness! My comic takes a look at how online spaces give us access to information about queer and trans identities, info that was often very difficult to come by in the pre-internet world.

Read the whole comic on the OFM website, or pick up a print copy at one of their drop locations! You’ll find me on page 6.



OUT FRONT Magazine – August 2023 – Disco Divas

OUT FRONT Magazine – August 2023 – Disco Divas published on
Cartoon self-portrait of artist Dylan Edwards, excerpted from one of his comics. He is standing to the left side of the panel, wearing a black hat with metal studs across the front, glasses, and a purple t-shirt featuring The Birthday Massacre band logo. He has a quizzical look, and has a speech balloon that reads: "It's arraigning men ... is that a thing?"

My comic for this month’s issue takes a quick look at the history of the “disco sucks” movement. As someone who is very much into metal and punk and not so much into upbeat dance music, I am certainly guilty of having fallen into the “disco sucks” trap in the past. But, it turns out, “disco sucks” is not actually about whether or not you happen to like that style of music …

Read the whole comic in the online edition here (I’m on page 6).



OUT FRONT Magazine – July 2023 issue: Queerdos

OUT FRONT Magazine – July 2023 issue: Queerdos published on

The July issue of OUT FRONT Magazine is all about Queerdos, and my comic is all about queer and trans feels from playing D&D. Read the full comic online on the OUT FRONT website (I’m on page 26) or pick up a free copy at one of their drop locations in the Denver area!

I know, I know, shocking for a nerdy kid to use Dungeons and Dragons as a way of exploring gender identity and sexual orientation without realizing what they’re doing. I am probably the first queer/trans person to have EVER done this. Amazing.



OUT FRONT Magazine – June 2023 Pride issue

OUT FRONT Magazine – June 2023 Pride issue published on

My comic for this month’s edition of OFM takes a look at some of my international encounters with trans people. One thing I’ve definitely found to be the case, especially in our modern internet-enabled era, is that there’s a lot of solidarity amongst trans folks across the globe, even to the point of transcending (pun intended) language barriers.

You can find the comic on page 44 of the online mag!



OUT FRONT Magazine – May 2023 issue

OUT FRONT Magazine – May 2023 issue published on
excerpt from a Dylan Edwards comic for OUT FRONT Magazine

The topic this issue is “queering mental health,” so I elected to do a comic about the high correlation between being trans and being autistic, and how this can affect mental health outcomes for folks.

You can read the whole comic in the digital edition, available on the OFM website (flip to page 40):

Obviously a half page comic is too small a space to get deep into this extremely complex and evolving topic, but the TL;DR is simply that trying to force autistic people to act more allistic leads to poorer mental health outcomes, and trying to force trans people to be cis leads to poorer mental health outcomes. If you’re both trans and autistic, you get a double whammy.

At this point, it’s clear that an unusually high percentage of trans people are autistic, but the why is unknown. One possibility, hinted at in the excerpted panel, is that autistic people often take exception to following rules if the underlying reasons for the rules make no sense. So it’s possible autistic people have a leg up in figuring out trans stuff, because a lot of society’s rules about How to Gender don’t really make a lot of sense if you pick them apart.



OUT FRONT Magazine – April 2023 issue

OUT FRONT Magazine – April 2023 issue published on

My comic for this month’s OUT FRONT Magazine is, in fact, a bunch of queer fashion weed puns. Like you do. And yeah, I’m barely skating to the finish line, posting this late in the afternoon on 4/20. You can have punctuality, or you can have comics about weed.

Read the whole thing here (I’m on page 6):


OUT FRONT Magazine – March 2023 issue

OUT FRONT Magazine – March 2023 issue published on
The March issue of OUT FRONT Magazine is all about the Gayborhood, so my comic this month is a Scarry parody featuring the various queer animal archetypes. You can see ‘em all on page 6 here:

OUT FRONT Magazine – February 2023 issue

OUT FRONT Magazine – February 2023 issue published on

This time around, I made a comic with some Valenslimes cards featuring various queers from the teevee.

Besides our Jim from OFMD, you’ll find queers from Interview with the Vampire, A League of Their Own, and Severance. Head on over to the OUT FRONT website to see ‘em all! You’ll find me on page 6.



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