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OUT FRONT Magazine – June 2024 – Pride

OUT FRONT Magazine – June 2024 – Pride published on

My comic for the June issue of OFM is a little autobio thing about a trans punk show I went to a couple of months ago, where I was one of the oldest members of a very queer, very trans crowd. I ponder what has changed about trans culture since I came out 24 years ago (well before many members of the audience were born).

You can read the whole comic in the digital edition here, where you will find me on page 6:



OUT FRONT Magazine – December 2023

OUT FRONT Magazine – December 2023 published on

My comic for this month’s issue is all about the various iterations my fashion sense has gone through over the years. You can read the whole thing in the digital edition of the magazine, where you shall find me ensconced on page 6!



OUT FRONT Magazine – July 2023 issue: Queerdos

OUT FRONT Magazine – July 2023 issue: Queerdos published on

The July issue of OUT FRONT Magazine is all about Queerdos, and my comic is all about queer and trans feels from playing D&D. Read the full comic online on the OUT FRONT website (I’m on page 26) or pick up a free copy at one of their drop locations in the Denver area!

I know, I know, shocking for a nerdy kid to use Dungeons and Dragons as a way of exploring gender identity and sexual orientation without realizing what they’re doing. I am probably the first queer/trans person to have EVER done this. Amazing.



OUT FRONT Magazine: September 2021

OUT FRONT Magazine: September 2021 published on

Why yes, there IS a new issue of Out Front Magazine, and it is all about nerdy stuff! Inside you shall find my latest cartoon offering, plus an interview with me in which I yammer on about comics.

Available in print in the Denver area, or online here:



New comic in the August 2021 issue of OUT FRONT

New comic in the August 2021 issue of OUT FRONT published on

Craving some alphabet soup? Then point your eyeballs to the latest issue of OUT FRONT, why don’t ya, and peep my newest autobio comic.

You can read it online here (I’m on page 51):



QAT Person #3 is a Prism Awards finalist!

QAT Person #3 is a Prism Awards finalist! published on

At last it can be revealed!

My minicomic, QAT Person #3, is a finalist for the Prism Award for Best Short Form Comic!

You can acquire QAT Person #3 from my Gumroad store.

Winners will be announced later in the summer (the actual date is TBD). So! More news then, but for now, let us bask in the glory.



Be Gay Do Comics wins an Ignatz and gets a starred Kirkus review!

Be Gay Do Comics wins an Ignatz and gets a starred Kirkus review! published on

The new anthology of LGBTQIA+ comics from The Nib and IDW publishing is officially out, and has already snagged some honors!

Read the starred review in Kirkus 

BGDC wins Ignatz Award for Outstanding Anthology 

Be Gay, Do Comics is filled with dozens of comics about LGBTQIA experiences, ranging from personal stories to queer history to cutting satire about pronoun panic and brands desperate to co-opt pride. Brimming with resilience, inspiration, and humor, an incredible lineup of top indie cartoonists takes you from the American Revolution through Stonewall to today’s fights for equality and representation.

Featuring more than 30 cartoonists, including yours truly!

How can you acquire this fine comics volume? Simply buy it from your preferred bookseller, or snag a copy from The Nib’s online store!



Page 6 of “Trans Tokyo: A Trek to Two’s Cabin” appears, and thus is the story complete!

Page 6 of “Trans Tokyo: A Trek to Two’s Cabin” appears, and thus is the story complete! published on
Trans Tokyo: A Trek to Two's Cabin

The exciting tale of my journey to a trans bar is Tokyo is now complete! Page 6 is to be found here on Studio NDR and here on Patreon.

If you’re looking to read the whole thing in one swell foop, here is the link for you.

I’ll also be posting the whole story to Tumblr soon, but not right at this second. Once it’s up, I’ll post a link here.

As for what’s next on the comics docket, Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run Chapter 11 is finished and ready to go. I’ll start posting pages for public consumption on January 16, 2020. Patrons who pledge $1 or more per month will, as is  the custom, get early access to pages, so for those folks it’ll start on January 13.

See you then!


Page 4 of “Trans Tokyo: A Trek to Two’s Cabin” has entered the room

Page 4 of “Trans Tokyo: A Trek to Two’s Cabin” has entered the room published on

Yes indeed, the saga of my visit to a Japanese trans bar proceeds apace. In this week’s installment, we encounter some of Google Translate’s limitations around trans terminology.

You can read the new page here on Studio NDR, or here on Patreon.

The trans guy magazine referenced in the first panel was published by Grammy Tokyo, a queer/trans dance party for whom Masaki is a DJ. They run events a couple of times a year, so if you’re planning a trip and want to go clubbing, keep an eye on their calendar. I wasn’t there at the right time to attend one of their events, but perhaps you could be!



Trans Tokyo: A Trek to Two’s Cabin – page 2

Trans Tokyo: A Trek to Two’s Cabin – page 2 published on
Trans Tokyo: A Trek to Two's Cabin

The second installment of my autobio comic detailing my adventure to a trans bar in Tokyo has arrived, and you can read it here on Studio NDR or here on Patreon.

There was a small restaurant on the same floor as Two’s Cabin (the カレー店, a.k.a. Curry Shop), which had a few people waiting in line outside the door. I think when he first showed up, Masaki (owner and founder of Two’s Cabin) assumed I was waiting to be seated at the restaurant and not for Two’s Cabin to open, because he was a little surprised when I poked my head in the door.

I was glad I’d followed his Instagram prior to my journey, since I at least knew from the photos that I was in the right place.

See you next week for … PAGE THREE.



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