With page 2 of Valley of the Silk Sky, our aerial survey of the valley continues. The settlement on the lower right is called Duvane, and there’s a reason it’s not on the ground. Not that the sky is a whole lot safer, it would seem.
So many choices of where to see the page!
Progress report on the rest of the story: I’ve been nailing down the script for the rest of the book. Chapters 1-3 were already scripted and thumbnailed, and while I knew what happened for the rest of it, now it’s a matter of getting all the bits in order and formally set out. For instance, I now know there will be seven chapters total plus an epilogue. I don’t have a final page count yet, but I’m guessing it’ll come in at around 120 pages, give or take.
Chapter 1 pencils are finished, and I’m most of the way through the inks for page 10. Once the inking is wrapped up, it’ll be back to coloring.
I’m hoping to have a little minicomic of chapter 1 available for sale at ECCC. At this rate I should have all the pages done in time to get something printed up. This is mostly for promo, probably not going to print each chapter individually. Though I do very much hope to have a print book of the whole story once it’s complete.
So! That’s the status of things. Tune in next week for an actual PROTAGONIST.