Page 1 of the brand new PiQue story “Old Ghosts” is now up on Tapastic, and here at home. Todd, Archer, and Archer’s mother Clara embark on a journey to Shrewsbury, England, to assist Archer’s grandmother in moving to a newer, smaller house. In this case, “newer” simply means “less than 500 years old.” Todd is game. Clara is resigned. Archer … might be about to complain a bit? Nah.
There’s only the one page at the moment, but ultimately this is where you’ll go to read the story in progress. At 36 pages, published one page a week, I’m sure there’ll come a time when you’ll want to review what has come before.
As of right now I have 8 pages completely finished, so that’s two months of updates in the can.
Also of possible interest to you queer comics readers: my publisher, Northwest Press, is having a 20% Off sale right this very now. A great chance to stock up on some excellent queer graphic novels, no?