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Valley of the Silk Sky page 79; plus book news for Secret Loves, The Outfield, and QAT Person

Valley of the Silk Sky page 79; plus book news for Secret Loves, The Outfield, and QAT Person published on

I’m gonna do the book news first, since I have some spoilery commentary for today’s Valley of the Silk Sky page.

First up, Secret Loves of Geeks made Barnes & Noble’s Best Comics & Graphic Novels list for February 2018. The book comes out on February 14, so you can pre-order now if you like! I’ll have more info soon about a signing event on Feb 21.

My collected edition of The Outfield got a nice write-up on Outsports, so check that out if you haven’t seen it already.

This one’s from a couple of months ago, but QAT Person #2 got a lovely review from Rob Clough at High-Low. If you want a copy of QAT Person #2, it’s available for sale in my Gumroad store.

NOW. On to today’s VotSS page.

Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA sci-fi

Page 79 of the queer sci-fi webcomic Valley of the Silk Sky is up, and it does indeed have some science for you:

But read it first before I tell you about the science.

Because spoilers.

Have you read it yet?

Go on, it’s quick.




I actually consulted with an IR professional for this page, to make sure the scenario would actually play out as intended. Here is his commentary:

A body immersed into water generally won’t be detectable. A thin film of water is enough to absorb IR. When a hand (or warm body part of your choice) is behind water, the water completely obscures the warm part whether the water is hot or cold.

However, when skin is immersed, the skin takes on the temperature of the water. Pull a hand out of cold water and the hand looks like the water looked liked in IR even if you dry off the hand. Then you can watch the temperature rise back up to body/skin temperature.

So if a body sat in water it might warm up the water, especially if there isn’t much water, but if so the warmup would be diffused through the body of water, and the outer layer of skin would be at a temperature very near that of the water.

So there you have it. SCIENCE.

Until next week,


Valley of the Silk Sky returns on Dec 14; Mini Comic Con this weekend; Editorial Cartoon book now available!

Valley of the Silk Sky returns on Dec 14; Mini Comic Con this weekend; Editorial Cartoon book now available! published on No Comments on Valley of the Silk Sky returns on Dec 14; Mini Comic Con this weekend; Editorial Cartoon book now available!

Valley of the Silk Sky Chapter 8

I’ve finished coloring all the pages in chapter 8 – still gotta do cleanup, but the hard work is done! That means Valley of the Silk Sky chapter 8 will commence on December 14 as planned. If you want to refresh your memory or get caught up, you can browse the Table of Contents on the Valley of the Silk Sky website, or you can hit up the archive here on Studio NDR.

If you don’t want to wait, you can always drop $1 a month over at my Patreon and get early access to pages. Patrons will be seeing updates on Mondays, and then the page will go public on Thursdays.

Also, this weekend on December 9, I’ll be tabling at Mini Comic Con 2 here in Denver. It’ll be at the Sam Gary Branch Library from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, and it’s FREE to get in, so head on over if you’re in town.

queer and trans comics by Dylan Edwards

You’ll be able to pick up my new books there: The Outfield collection, and Bleating About the Bush, which collects all of my old editorial cartoons.

And, of course, I’ll have all the rest of my books there as well, in addition to some Feeping Creatures art and merch.

See you there!



The Outfield collection is now available!

The Outfield collection is now available! published on No Comments on The Outfield collection is now available!

The Outfield queer sports comic

As teased a few weeks ago, I’ve been working on a print book collection of all my old Outfield comics, and that collection is now available! I have it in three formats:

Also, as previously intimated, I’ve taken the old web archive offline. Most of those files were prepped in the days before HD monitors and were difficult to read on modern screens. In addition, the format used to create the archive is out-of-date and will break when I upgrade my website, so it had to come down anyway.

But that’s why I put together the free web res PDF – all the comics are still available for free, and the web res PDF is still better quality than the old online archive.

ANYWAY. Go forth and grab whichever format appeals to you the most!



The Outfield collection in the works, and a complete website overhaul

The Outfield collection in the works, and a complete website overhaul published on No Comments on The Outfield collection in the works, and a complete website overhaul

The Outfield LGBTQ queer sports comic by Dylan Edwards

Now that convention season is over for me for the next few months, my goal is to redesign my website at long last, a task that has needed to get done for many a year.

At the moment, my site is more of an archaeological dig, less of a usable portfolio. I don’t even have my more recent award-winning comics on here because I don’t know where to put them amidst the clutter. So I’m going to remove all the series I no longer update, and archive them in one fashion or another.

In the case of The Outfield, the comics will be made available as a $20 POD print book, a $5 high-res PDF, and a free low-res PDF.

I’ve finished setting up the Outfield book in InDesign, and it’s currently awaiting approval to go to proof at CreateSpace. Once I have the proof and have confirmed there are no corrections, I’ll make it available for sale. $1+ Patreon subscribers will automatically get a copy of the high-res PDF.

I’m planning on a November release for the Outfield book, so stick it on yer calendar.

As to when all this stuff gets yanked offline here, I don’t know yet. I’m still giving thought to how I want to arrange things. I’m also probably going to have to change my WordPress theme, since the one I’ve been using isn’t maintained and is broken as fuck. Fun!

But I expect what I’ll do is wipe the whole thing clean, and then add things back as I deem them worthy. I’ve been making comics for 17 years now, and it’s past time to bring some focus to my body of work.



Politically InQueerect: Play Ball! Part 4 of 5

Politically InQueerect: Play Ball! Part 4 of 5 published on No Comments on Politically InQueerect: Play Ball! Part 4 of 5

politically inqueerect todd archer baseball

Another from the archives, as the Johnny Damon reference will attest (he could run really fast, okay?). This comic originally ran as The Outfield #43 on

If you don’t follow baseball at all, the important thing to know here is that baseball fans are stat-obsessed to the point of sometimes drawing meaningless conclusions from the data at hand.

“Jerry” is a reference to Jerry Remy, one of the Red Sox announcers since forever.

Dylan Edwards Patreon

Meanwhile, work progresses on Valley of the Silk Sky, which is set to debut on January 14, 2015. Eight pages penciled, five inked, and one about halfway painted.

Once the series starts it will update regularly on Wednesdays. OR, if you are feeling generous and supportive, you’ll be able to read updates on Mondays over on my Patreon blog by pledging at least a dollar a month. Until then, $1+ pledgers get to see sneak previews of pages in progress.

So! If you can, throw some bones my way and help me keep this webcomic train a-rollin’.



No Straight Lines is here!

No Straight Lines is here! published on No Comments on No Straight Lines is here!
With this contributor copy I shall rule the world

I just got my contributor copy in the mail, and as you can see I am somewhat enthused by this turn of events.

This is, in case you don’t know, a giant hardcover tome, published by Fantagraphics, that surveys the last 40 years of queer comics and presents unto us a selection thereof. I’m quite excited to have three of my cartoons included (one Outfield, two Trannytoons).

The book includes work by a number of utterly delightful comic peeps. You can see the full roster, read some excerpts, and maybe buy? said book from the Fantagraphics website. Hopefully your local bookstore is awesome enough to have No Straight Lines in stock, but if not, well, the internets are here to help you out.

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