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Tranniversary diary comics

Tranniversary diary comics published on

I’ve been posting a series of sketch diary comics over on my Patreon to mark my 20th anniversary of transitioning, or my Tranniversary, if you will:

I don’t usually post sketch diary comics here on the ol’ homepage because, I guess, I generally prefer to stick with finished, professional material for Studio NDR. Hence the Patreon and the Tumblr at this time.

Anyway, today is Trans Day of Visibility, a day about which I have very mixed feelings (see page 3).

Trans Day of Visibility did not exist when I first came out, but I have to suspect it would have helped me if it had been a thing 20 years ago. Simply knowing transness was an option would have been an improvement over “something about me is wrong, but I don’t know what.”

Unfortunately, a lot of people have confused “people getting the information they need at a younger age than previous generations were able to” with “trendy badness that is bad,” so visibility is not sufficient in and of itself.

Anyway, I am definitely a trans elder now, as demonstrated by the fact that I am excited-about-a-salad-spinner years old.



Be Gay Do Comics wins an Ignatz and gets a starred Kirkus review!

Be Gay Do Comics wins an Ignatz and gets a starred Kirkus review! published on

The new anthology of LGBTQIA+ comics from The Nib and IDW publishing is officially out, and has already snagged some honors!

Read the starred review in Kirkus 

BGDC wins Ignatz Award for Outstanding Anthology 

Be Gay, Do Comics is filled with dozens of comics about LGBTQIA experiences, ranging from personal stories to queer history to cutting satire about pronoun panic and brands desperate to co-opt pride. Brimming with resilience, inspiration, and humor, an incredible lineup of top indie cartoonists takes you from the American Revolution through Stonewall to today’s fights for equality and representation.

Featuring more than 30 cartoonists, including yours truly!

How can you acquire this fine comics volume? Simply buy it from your preferred bookseller, or snag a copy from The Nib’s online store!



QAT Person #3 now available for pre-order

QAT Person #3 now available for pre-order published on
QAT Person number 3 queer asexual transgender autobio comics

Back in the Beforetimes, I was planning to debut the newest issue of my autobio minicomic series at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival in May.

TCAF is canceled, of course, but I decided to go ahead and put the comic together anyway. I’ve arbitrarily set a release date of May 1, and have set up a preorder listing for the book, should you desire such a thing.

QAT Person #3 collects the latest batch of my autobio comics on queer, asexual, and trans identity.

“Ace Pilot” posits an asexual headcanon for Luke Skywalker. “Two’s Cabin” recounts the author’s adventure at a trans guy bar in Tokyo. “Banned Books” takes a look at censorship of queer media (and Alison Bechdel’s FUN HOME in particular). “Trans Potty” offers a humorous take on bathroom troubles for trans guys.

Snag yourself a copy right here:

Buy QAT Person #3 Minicomic



Page 6 of “Trans Tokyo: A Trek to Two’s Cabin” appears, and thus is the story complete!

Page 6 of “Trans Tokyo: A Trek to Two’s Cabin” appears, and thus is the story complete! published on
Trans Tokyo: A Trek to Two's Cabin

The exciting tale of my journey to a trans bar is Tokyo is now complete! Page 6 is to be found here on Studio NDR and here on Patreon.

If you’re looking to read the whole thing in one swell foop, here is the link for you.

I’ll also be posting the whole story to Tumblr soon, but not right at this second. Once it’s up, I’ll post a link here.

As for what’s next on the comics docket, Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run Chapter 11 is finished and ready to go. I’ll start posting pages for public consumption on January 16, 2020. Patrons who pledge $1 or more per month will, as is  the custom, get early access to pages, so for those folks it’ll start on January 13.

See you then!


Page 4 of “Trans Tokyo: A Trek to Two’s Cabin” has entered the room

Page 4 of “Trans Tokyo: A Trek to Two’s Cabin” has entered the room published on

Yes indeed, the saga of my visit to a Japanese trans bar proceeds apace. In this week’s installment, we encounter some of Google Translate’s limitations around trans terminology.

You can read the new page here on Studio NDR, or here on Patreon.

The trans guy magazine referenced in the first panel was published by Grammy Tokyo, a queer/trans dance party for whom Masaki is a DJ. They run events a couple of times a year, so if you’re planning a trip and want to go clubbing, keep an eye on their calendar. I wasn’t there at the right time to attend one of their events, but perhaps you could be!



Trans Tokyo: A Trek to Two’s Cabin – page 2

Trans Tokyo: A Trek to Two’s Cabin – page 2 published on
Trans Tokyo: A Trek to Two's Cabin

The second installment of my autobio comic detailing my adventure to a trans bar in Tokyo has arrived, and you can read it here on Studio NDR or here on Patreon.

There was a small restaurant on the same floor as Two’s Cabin (the カレー店, a.k.a. Curry Shop), which had a few people waiting in line outside the door. I think when he first showed up, Masaki (owner and founder of Two’s Cabin) assumed I was waiting to be seated at the restaurant and not for Two’s Cabin to open, because he was a little surprised when I poked my head in the door.

I was glad I’d followed his Instagram prior to my journey, since I at least knew from the photos that I was in the right place.

See you next week for … PAGE THREE.



New Nibbles and other news

New Nibbles and other news published on

Dylan Edwards - The Nib - Trans Visibility

This is not actually a NEW new comic, just one I realized I had forgotten to post here on the ol’ home site. It was originally published by The Nib way back in June of 2018 as part of their Response feature on transgender stuffs.

You can read all the Response comics here on The Nib’s site, or you can read just my comic here on Studio NDR.

As for t’other news:

I had meant to have enough Taxonomically Unbound comics done to last through the end of the year. That didn’t quite happen, on account of various things exploded (my creaky old version of Photoshop, my website, my other website), and I have spent much of this month Dealing With Trying to Get Basic Things Working Again instead of making new art.

One of my temporary solutions to the Photoshop explosion problem was to download Clip Studio Paint, a graphics program that’s more specifically designed for comics creation. I have not actually had time to learn how to use it due to the various website explosions, but one of my goals for the coming weeks is to at least dip into the basics. Probably gonna make some new Taxo Unbos as part of my practice efforts.

I’m also working on a bunch of Valley of the Silk Sky stuff, about which I shall go into more detail next week as a sort of What to Expect in 2019 post. SO. Stay tooned!



New comic on The Nib, Denver Zine Fest this Sunday

New comic on The Nib, Denver Zine Fest this Sunday published on

Gender and Transition comics on The Nib

I have a new comic up on The Nib, alongside several other awesome trans cartoonists! This link right here is what you wanna click to read the whole comic and see the rest of the set.

And yes, this very Sunday, June the 24th, I will be tabling at Denver Zine Fest. The event runs from 10-6, and is at the McNichols building in Civic Center Park.



Admission is FREEEEEEEEE.

Come to the thing, and get yourself some zines!



We’re Still Here Kickstarter is live!

We’re Still Here Kickstarter is live! published on No Comments on We’re Still Here Kickstarter is live!

We're Still Here trans comics anthology

My current project is my comic for the all-trans We’re Still Here anthology, and you can back the Kickstarter for it even now!

This 300+ page tome is, believe it or not, the first (that we know of) comics anthology dedicated exclusively to trans comics and trans creators. And there are a ton of great folks included: Melanie Gillman, Sophie LaBelle, Sybil Lamb, Ajuan Mance, Annie Mok, L Nichols, Ronnie Richie, Bishakh Som, Scout Tran-Caffee, and tons more.

Added bonus: both of the editors (Jeanne Thornton and Tara Avery) are trans, and the publisher, Stacked Deck Press, is trans-owned and operated. So every penny goes to support trans folks!

I’m doing an autobio piece about my trip last fall to a Japanese trans guy bar. Folks who pledge a dollar or more a month to my Patreon are being treated to work-in-progress images.

So if you wanna peep some process pix, put in a pledge!

And don’t forget to back the Kickstarter and help make this book a reality!



New comic up on The Nib

New comic up on The Nib published on No Comments on New comic up on The Nib

Queer Asexual Trans comics

Sorry I’ve been so quiet lately. I’ve been working on a ton of freelance, but you can now peep some of the stuff that’s been keeping me busy!

First off, check out this new comic I did for The Nib. Seven whole pages of autobio comic shenanigans about being queer, asexual, and trans.

If you liked my QAT Person minicomic, you will definitely want to point your eyeballs at this new one. (And if you haven’t yet snagged a copy of my QAT Person minicomic, well heck, whaddaya waitin’ for. Get it here.)

I’ve also been working on a series of illustrations for Out2Enroll, a non-profit that helps LGBTQIA+ folks in California find health insurance and raises awareness of patient rights. The first two illos are up here and here, and there will be five more to come.

So yeah, been busy! But pretty soon now I’ll be starting pencils on the next chapter of Valley of the Silk Sky, so stay chooned.



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