Page 23 of Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts is up! Gran has another tale for us, and Archer has a VERY fascinating newspaper. Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.
Need to get caught up? The archive of pages posted to date is here.
Research notes for this page: turns out if you do an image search for 1930s British servants’ uniforms, you get a whole bunch of stills from Downton Abbey. It took awhile to find some references closer to the source.
Also, in the original thumbnails, I had our shifty footman sporting a gangsterrific pencil moustache. But in the course of my costume research, I learned that no self-respecting household at the time would have deigned to allow facial hair on one of the staff. So the final version of him is clean-shaven.
Gran would have been maybe 8 years old at the time of the incident, for those of you tracking chronology.
Quick reminder that SDCC is next week! The Advocate has a post about queer goings on at SDCC, including my panel Breaking Barriers: Transgender Trends in Popular Culture (Thursday, July 24, 5 p.m.-6 p.m., in Room 28DE).
I will otherwise be milling about the Northwest Press table at the Prism Comics booth (#2144 in Hall C). Hope to see you there!