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Old Ghosts page 32 cannot be contained

Old Ghosts page 32 cannot be contained published on No Comments on Old Ghosts page 32 cannot be contained

politically inqueerect old ghosts todd archer

Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts page 32 is up! In which Todd does his best imitation of Peregrin Took.

Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

Need to get caught up? The archive of pages posted to date is here.

Oh, I’ll post about this again later, but I’ll be in New York next month for a reading at BGSQD. It’s happening on October 10th at 7:00 PM, and there will be several other awesome comix creators sharing their work. So do please put that on yer calendar!



Old Ghosts page 31 has escaped its bonds

Old Ghosts page 31 has escaped its bonds published on No Comments on Old Ghosts page 31 has escaped its bonds

politically inqueerect old ghosts archer and gran

Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts page 31 is up! Another foray into Archer’s past, and a lesson in ghost-wrangling from gran. Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

Need to get caught up? The archive of all pages posted to date is here.

Art notes: the poster in the background apes the style 1940s film posters, though a limited-run theatrical play probably wouldn’t have had anything quite so elaborate.

Also, the British don’t really celebrate Halloween, so the late October dates for a horror-themed production are mostly arbitrary.

If you can manage to get over these egregious historical inaccuracies, there’s a lot of Gran’s story to be gleaned from this page.



Old Ghosts page 30 contains a multitude of mysteries

Old Ghosts page 30 contains a multitude of mysteries published on No Comments on Old Ghosts page 30 contains a multitude of mysteries

Politically InQueerect Old Ghosts

Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts page 30 is up! I wonder if the old curio cabinet contains any objects of significance. Hmmmm.

Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

Need to get caught up? The archive of all pages posted to date is here.

Trivia for this page: Todd’s shirt is based on an Oxford University rugby jersey I used to have. I thought it would be funny to color Archer’s shirt Cambridge Blue, you know, as one of those visual jokes that maybe three people will get.

Well, it turns out Oxford cares a LOT more about their branding than Cambridge does. Here, for example, is the best description I could find of what shade Cambridge Blue is supposed to be.

Hell, they didn’t even bother to make it actually be blue.

Meanwhile, Oxford has an extensive branding toolkit available online to make sure you get the exact right Pantone shades for each of their pre-approved colors.

Spoiler alert: I did NOT Pantone match Todd’s jersey. Sorry, Oxford.

Old Ghosts page 29 attempts to claim your soul

Old Ghosts page 29 attempts to claim your soul published on No Comments on Old Ghosts page 29 attempts to claim your soul

Politically InQueerect Old Ghosts wine rack

Page 29 of Old Ghosts is up! I really do almost (but not quite) feel guilty about this one. Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

Need to get caught up? The archive of pages posted to date is here.


EVIL is indeed a real wine, produced by R Wines of Australia (though as far as I can tell they’ve gone out of business despite a Wine Advocate score of 90 points for their 2006 cab).

Although Gran doesn’t drink these days, this is exactly the sort of thing she’d pick up based on the name alone. Archer, meanwhile (and this will shock you, I’m sure), absolutely despises the current trend of giving wines “edgy” names.

It WAS a tasty wine, though, I have to say.



Old Ghosts page 28 slinks away from the light

Old Ghosts page 28 slinks away from the light published on No Comments on Old Ghosts page 28 slinks away from the light

Politically InQueerect Old Ghosts Basement

Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts page 28 is up! I feel guilty about this page, but not guilty enough to have done it differently.

Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

The archive of all pages posted to date is here.

Qu33r comics anthology

In other news, QU33R is up for an Ignatz Award!

I have a 5-page story in there, the one about the gender-swapped Transformers.

I believe the final voting for the award is done at SPX, so if you’re going to be there this year and want to support queer comics, do consider giving us a vote.



Old Ghosts page 27 is infested with vermin

Old Ghosts page 27 is infested with vermin published on No Comments on Old Ghosts page 27 is infested with vermin

Politically InQueerect Old Ghosts Archer

Page 27 of Old Ghosts is up! Gran and Archer reminisce about a particular event from Archer’s childhood, but have very different interpretations of how things actually played out.

Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

Need to get caught up? The archive of all page posted to date is here.

Still working on wrapping up the colors on this damn story. 4.5 pages remain. SOON IT SHALL BE DONE.



Old Ghosts page 26 hides in cold, dark places (as do SDCC and Beyond)

Old Ghosts page 26 hides in cold, dark places (as do SDCC and Beyond) published on No Comments on Old Ghosts page 26 hides in cold, dark places (as do SDCC and Beyond)

Politically InQueerect Old Ghosts Cellar

Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts page 26 is up! I think this definitively answers the question of whether or not Gran makes a special point of winding up Archer. (And if he didn’t react, would she bother?)

Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

Need to get caught up? The archive of all pages posted to date is here.

Fun/gross historical fact: many old houses in Europe used to have their cesspools in the basement, before the advent of modern plumbing. Gran’s house would be no exception. Maybe THAT’S why Archer doesn’t want to go down there (though it wouldn’t have been in use for over 100 years).


In SDCC news, more write-ups of the Trans Panel are trickling in. Here’s one from Bleeding Cool.


Beyond Valley of the Silk Sky
In very exciting(for me) Beyond news, I finished my story at last! All 16 pages of the derned thing. My big project post-Old Ghosts is to get started on a new webcomic featuring these Beyond characters, so keep an eye out for that. More news as I get more specifics.



Old Ghosts page 25 arises from the grave

Old Ghosts page 25 arises from the grave published on

politically inqueerect old ghosts shrewsbury

Page 25 of Old Ghosts is up! Archer is incorrigible. He will not be corriged! Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

Need to get caught up? The archive of pages posted to date is here.

Art notes: More backgrounds culled from photos I took. That beige building that looks like a church isn’t actually a church (I think it’s some sort of civic building), and the fenced area isn’t a graveyard IRL. But there are many such graveyards in city centres throughout the UK, and I figured this story needed at least one cemetery.

Shrewsbury is Charles Darwin’s hometown, and the library sports a Darwin statue out front. I do have a picture of said statue, but I didn’t think to use it as a background until it was too late. Still not sure if it would have been a fun detail or an overly heavy-handed image for this story.

Oh, hey, and thanks to everyone who came to the first-ever SDCC panel on trans themes in comics. We had a full house, and a lively discussion that spilled out of the room and continued throughout the convention. I do believe the panel was videotaped, so if it goes up online I’ll let you know. For now, there’s a short write-up on Tor’s website.



Old Ghosts page 24 permeates the atmosphere, SDCC descends

Old Ghosts page 24 permeates the atmosphere, SDCC descends published on No Comments on Old Ghosts page 24 permeates the atmosphere, SDCC descends


Page 24 of Old Ghosts is up! Strolling through the streets of Shrewsbury, Todd and Archer discuss whether or not basic biological principles have a sense of fairness

Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR. The archive of all pages posted to date is here.

Art notes: I’ve been to Shrewsbury twice, and the backgrounds are from photos I took during my trips. (Yes, Shrewsbury’s castle is indeed red.)

The black heart motif in the top building is true to the original. One of those minor details that’s ultimately inconsequential, but provides a nice juxtaposition to the text. I posted one of the original photos on my tumblr awhile back.

Also, quick reminder that I’ll be at the Prism Comics/Northwest Press booth (#2144) during SDCC 2014. I’ll also be speaking on the panel Breaking Barriers: Transgender Trends in Popular Culture on Thursday, July 24, 5 p.m.-6 p.m., Room 28DE. This is apparently the first ever trans-specific panel at SDCC, so NO PRESSURE, right.



Old Ghosts page 23 dissipates into a puff of smoke

Old Ghosts page 23 dissipates into a puff of smoke published on No Comments on Old Ghosts page 23 dissipates into a puff of smoke

Politically InQueerect Old Ghosts 1930s

Page 23 of Politically InQueerect: Old Ghosts is up! Gran has another tale for us, and Archer has a VERY fascinating newspaper. Read it here on Tapastic, or here on Studio NDR.

Need to get caught up? The archive of pages posted to date is here.

Research notes for this page: turns out if you do an image search for 1930s British servants’ uniforms, you get a whole bunch of stills from Downton Abbey. It took awhile to find some references closer to the source.

Also, in the original thumbnails, I had our shifty footman sporting a gangsterrific pencil moustache. But in the course of my costume research, I learned that no self-respecting household at the time would have deigned to allow facial hair on one of the staff. So the final version of him is clean-shaven.

Gran would have been maybe 8 years old at the time of the incident, for those of you tracking chronology.

Quick reminder that SDCC is next week! The Advocate has a post about queer goings on at SDCC, including my panel Breaking Barriers: Transgender Trends in Popular Culture (Thursday, July 24, 5 p.m.-6 p.m., in Room 28DE).

I will otherwise be milling about the Northwest Press table at the Prism Comics booth (#2144 in Hall C). Hope to see you there!



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