It’s Wednesday, it’s PIQue time!
Yes indeed, time for a remastered-in-color PIQue strip, in which Todd introduces Dee to Archer, and absolutely nothing goes wrong. Read it here on Tapastic.
As I go back through these, I find myself giving some additional thought to the psychology of the various characters. I don’t think Archer is generally actively hostile to every new person he meets. I’d kind of like to do a prequel strip for this episode (not soon, mind you; more like for the eventual book collection) that gives a little more insight. Todd, the extrovert, springs on Archer that morning, “Oh, by the way, my cousin’s coming to visit. I guess she’ll maybe stay with us? Oh yeah, and she’s pretty liberal, so maybe don’t talk about politics. Welp, see ya later, bye!” And Archer, who is totally not an extrovert, is mad at Todd for not discussing this first, and ends up transferring that irritation to Dee. This doesn’t make Archer’s reaction justifiable, but not entirely out-of-the-blue, either.